Werewolf Game Bot Readme.
What is the Werewolf Game?
The Werewolf Game is a social game that has gone through many incarnations.
It started as a party game, where a group of people sat in a circle facing
eachother. Another form of the game has evolved with the emergance of the
Internet, which is played on forums and BBSs. Having recently discovered it,
Darkshine and I decided to make an IRC version, with a bot as moderator. And
here it is!
The basic rules are as follows: a number of people from the group are
randomly selected to be 'Werewolves'. The rest are 'Villagers'. The game is
split into 2 parts, night and day. During the night, the werewolf/wolves can
secretly select a single villager to 'eat'. During the day, the victim from the
previous night is revealed and removed from the game. During the day, everyone,
including the werewolves, discuss who they believe the werewolves to be, using
some guesswork, as well as logic and reasoning. At the end of the day, everyone
must vote who they suspect to be a werewolf to be lynched. This continues until
one of the two following winning conditions is satisfied.
- The Werewolves are equal to
the Villagers. (Werewolves win)
- The Villagers lynch all the
Werewolves. (Villagers win)
All votes for either choosing a victim (Werewolves) or voting someone to
lynch (everyone) are given to a moderator, who keeps everyone's identity
Various roles have been integrated into the game, including, but not limited
- Seer - who can select a
single person each night to discover their identity (Werewolf or Villager)
- Guardian Angel - who can
select one person to protect during the night. If the person is attacked
by the werewolves, he survives. If the Guardian Angel is atacked, he has a
1 in 10 chance to protect himself.
- Vigilante - A Villager who
can choose any person to attack and kill during the day only once in a
- Psychic - Similar to the
Seer, is given information on the Villagers each night. But in this case,
he is only informed how many Werewolves remain. Useful if the lynched
person is a wolf, but the players roles are not revealed with their death.
As mentioned, there are many variations in gameplay, with different roles,
as well as rules such as revealing the dead person's role in the game or not,
What is the Werewolf Game Bot?
The Werewolf Game Bot is an IRC bot coded in Java, based on the PircBot
framework found at http://www.jibble.org/.
It acts as the moderator in instances of the Werewolf Game. It assigns people's
roles in the game, narrates the happenings in the village, times the duration
of the day and night, collects people votes and calculates the results.
The rules it follows are the following (based on the rules found here):
- Minumum players: 5
- Maximum players: 12
- Maximum wolves: 2 (2nd
introduced at 8 players)
- Special roles: Seer
- Identities revealed on
- Lynched Villagers are
permitted a single line of text as their 'dying breath'.
- If a player doesn't vote
for two consecutive rounds, they are automatically executed.
What Commands are available?
There are several commands available to users/players, to
control the game.
- !start - Begins a game, and enters the person who gave the command
into the game.
- !daytime (x) - (Channel OPs only) Determines the length in seconds
of the day, when people can discuss suspicions etc. If no argument is
provided, if gives the current duration.
- !nighttime (x) - (Channel OPs only) Determines the length in seconds
of the night, when the werewolf/wolves select their victim and the Seer
selects who to view. If no argument is provided, if gives the current
- !votetime (x) - (Channel OPs only) Determines the length in seconds
of the Lynch Vote, when people cast their votes on who should be lynched.
If no argument is provided, if gives the current duration.
- !tie (on/off) - (Channel OPs only) Activates or deactivates the Lynch
Tie. If the tie is activated and there are an equal number of votes
for 2 or more players during the Lynch Vote, one of them will be randomly
selected. Otherwise, no-one will be lynched. If no argument is provided,
it gives the current status of the flag.
- !shush - Disable Idle chat from the bot
- !speak - Enable Idle chat from the bot
- /msg <botname> vote <player> - Casts a vote for <player>
during the Lynch Vote. The player with the majority vote will be lynched.
If there is a tie, refer to the!tie command.
- /msg <botname> kill <player> - Only werewolves may use
this command at night. Selects a victim for the werewolf to kill during
the night.
- /msg <botname> see <player> - Only the Seer may use this
command at night. Selects a player, whose identity (Villager or Werewolf)
will be revealed to the Seer the following morning.
- /msg <botname> alive - Provides a list of all players that are
still alive in the current game.
- /msg <botname> role - Reminds the player of what his role in
the game is.
Download the latest version of The Werewolf Game Bot here
Coder: Mark Vine alias LLamaBoy.
Texts/Descriptions Author and Ideas Man: Alex Denham alias
Beta Testers: coolsi, Mas_Tnega, MrDictionary, Icepick,
Long_Shoota, LowStream, VirulentVirus, danv2b, FIREFOX, false (damn your sploit
findingness - and thank you for it), caine, NeoThermic, ScareyedHawk, AgentX,
Pathy, DevilX4, WolfLord, CrazyPixie, Skorp, Xtreme, Zaptan (since you
insisted), elDiablo (happy?), Deepsmeg and many more for over 100 hours of play
testing. Cheers guys! ^_^
Many Thanks to Jibbler aka Paul Mutton for creating the original PircBot
Hosted on Sourceforge.net:

Visit the project page here